Biggest Challenge: Staying Crunchy and Tasty!
Biggest Challenge: Staying Crunchy and Tasty!
Loaded fries are incredibly popular, they fit the sharing trend perfectly, are suitable for in between moments and also instagrammble. For the kitchen, it’s an easy choice. Everything is easy to prepare, few skills are needed, you can easily stand out and very profitable too. The biggest challenge is staying crunchy and tasty. The fries often get soggy and the loading is eaten off quite quickly, leaving tasteless soggy fries... No longer!

Looking for the ideal fries for loaded fries? Fries you can stand out with? Then try our latest product: Aviko Wavy Blends! Crunchy and flavoured to the last bite. It’s a blend for the love of crunch, grip and flavour.
3 Mouthwatering Flavours
3 Mouthwatering Flavours

Familiar & Surprising

Deliciously tasty