
Fries Improvements

Fries Improvements

Your Perfect Cut Size

  • Your Perfect Cut Size

    We have lots of different cut sizes to choose from. After all, you are at the House of Fries. Maybe you already have a favourite. Though it's always worth checking what's out there and ensouring you're still making the right choice.


2 Minutes to Discover Your Match

  • The Fries Match Maker

    Is delivery a big part of your business? Is loaded fries a hit, do your guests value sustainability or is price the deciding factor? Share it in the Fries Match Maker and your ideal match will roll out in less than 2 minutes. A House of Fries concept.


Spice Up with our New Star!

  • Wavy Blends

    Flavour is a top margin driver and spices up your margin! So, we already added some spice to our latest innovation: Aviko Wavy Blends. Crunchy & Flavoured to the last bite.
