Recipe sweet potato brownie header

Sweet potato brownie with ice cream

A brownie made from sweet potato cubes. Deliciously served with caramel popcorn and ice cream. Your guests are going to love this!

Ingredients (10 servings)

400 g Aviko Sweet potato cubes
225 g dark chocolate
225 g unsalted butter
3 eggs
325 g sugar
150 g self rising flour
12 scoops of vanilla ice cream
50 g caramel popcorn
Extra virgin olive oil
Food processor or blender, possibly hand blender with chopper
brownie pan (28x18 cm) with baking paper



Sweet potato brownie with ice cream

30 minutes preparation + 35/40 minutes oven

  • Preheat the oven to 180 ºC. Melt the butter with the chocolate over low heat in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Stir the chocolate butter until it becomes smooth and remove the pan from the heat.
  • Use a mixer or food processor and beat the eggs with the sugar until it becomes thick and creamy. Slowly stir the chocolate butter into the yolk mixture. In 2-3 portions, sift the baking flour over it and carefully spat it into the chocolate batter in a fluffy manner.
  • Grind the frozen cubes of sweet potato finely in the food processor (or in portions in the chopper of the hand blender), but not into puree! Spoon the sweet potato into the batter. Pour the batter into the brownie pan.
  • Bake the brownie for 35-40 minutes in the preheated oven, until the top is just firm to the touch. The inside will still be soft and creamy. Let cool in the mold.
  • Cut the brownie into 10 pieces. Place them on dessert plates and served it with ice cream. Sprinkle popcorn and a little bit of olive oil over the ice cream.

Per person: 625 kcal, 6 g protein, 37 g fat of which 19 g saturated, 66 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber and 0.4 g salt

Aviko Sweet Diced Potato Header