
Cabbage tortilla and spicy tomato rösti rounds

Elegant looking cabbage tortillas with amazing flavour. Serve with a rösti round for extra wow effect.

Ingredients (4 servings):

• 8 Aviko Hashbrown Röstiko Rounds
• 100 g Aviko Sweet Potato Diced
• 3 tomatoes
• 4-8 leaves of red cabbage
• 2 tbs of vinegar
• ¼ green chili pepper
• 4 tbs of extra virgin olive oil + extra
• 4 white asparagus
• 5 sprigs of parsley
• dried chilli flakes
• lemon juice
• 100 g mixed mushrooms
• garlic flowers

Aviko rostiko rounds header


Preparation: 45 minutes
Oven: 1 hour

  • Preheat the oven to 120 ºC. Slice 1 tomato thinly. Place it on the baking tray and dry it for at least 1 hour in the oven until crunchy; the precise drying time will depend on the thickness and juiciness of the tomatoes.
  • Blanche the cabbage leaves in salted water with a dash of vinegar for approximately 30 seconds, until softened but still firm. Skin 2 tomatoes by cutting a cross in the base and holding them in boiling water for 10 seconds. Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and finely dice the flesh (= concassé).
  • Finely chop the chilli pepper. Mix it together with the tomato cubes, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and salt to taste.
  • Peel the asparagus. Cut off the tips and a piece from the bottom end, leaving only the middle section. Purée them in the kitchen machine with 1 sprig of parsley and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Season the asparagus purée to taste with chilli flakes, lemon juice and salt.
  • Wipe the mushrooms clean. Halve them if necessary and mix through 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Grill the mushrooms on the barbecue (or in the grill pan) until cooked, approximately 3-4 minutes.
  • Prepare the Rösti rounds and the diced sweet potato in accordance with the instructions on the packaging.
  • Finally chop the mushrooms together with the diced sweet potato. Season the mixture (= duxelle) with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Place the cabbage leaves on a platter. Spoon the sweet potato duxelle on half of the leaves, and the raw asparagus purée on the other half. Fold each cabbage leaf double to form a tortilla. Grill the cabbage tortilla on the hot barbecue or scorch the top using the gas burner, to give an elegant grill flavour.
  • Place the cabbage tortillas on 4 plates. Drizzle with extra olive oil, sea salt and garlic flowers. Arrange the leftover parsley
    garnishing in the tortilla.
  • Place the rösti rounds on 4 small plates. Top with the tomato concassé and garnish with slices of dried tomato.
    Tip: Adding vinegar to the cooking water ensures the cabbage leaves retain their fresh colour.