Header Grilled red mullet

Grilled Red Mullet with creamy potato Gratin

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 4 Aviko Gratins Cream & Cheese
  • 4 cleaned red mullets 
  • 1 lemon 
  • 100 g fennel 
  • 4 tbs olive oil 
  • 200 g green asparagus 
  • 4 large raw prawns, with their shells on 4 slices of sobrassada (Mallorcan sausage)
Header Grilled red mullet

Preparation method

Ca. 30 minutes + 25 minutes oven

  • Rinse the fish inside and out in cold water. Dab them dry using kitchen paper. Cut the lemon into 8 slices. Finely dice the fennel. 
  • Fill the inside of each fish with a slice of lemon and a little fennel. Brush the fish lightly with olive oil and sprinkle them with salt. 
  • Cut off the woody ends of the asparagus and brush them lightly with olive oil. 
  • In the meantime, prepare the potato gratins in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. 
  • Grill the mullet on the hot barbecue until browned and cooked, in 10 minutes. Also grill the slices of sausage and the prawns for 5-6 minutes. Use an aluminium grilling dish if necessary, and spoon the fat released from the sobrassada over the prawns. 
  • Place the asparagus on the barbecue along with the other 4 slices of lemon. Grill the asparagus until al dente, in 5 minutes. Grill the lemon slices for 1-2 minutes each side. 
  • Put the gratins on 4 plates. Lay the asparagus next to them. Lay the grilled lemon slices with the mullet on top of the asparagus. Garnish the plates with the prawns and sobrassada slices. Sprinkle with (sea) salt to taste. 

Tip: Sprinkle the dish with tufts of fennel green.

Cream cheese gratins