Header Vegetarian curry

Vegetarian Curry with Rösti

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 12 Aviko Hashbrown Röstiko Rounds
  • 2 courgettes 
  • 2 red onions 
  • 1 head of fennel 
  • 2 tbs olive oil 
  • 2 tbs Thai green curry powder or paste 
  • 400 ml creamy coconut milk 
  • 1 bunch of coriander 15 g
Header Vegetarian curry

Preparation method

Ca. 30 minutes

  • Cut the courgette, onion and fennel into evenly sized pieces. 
  • Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan. Fry the vegetables for 5 minutes. Add the curry powder or curry paste to the vegetables along with a little salt, and continue to fry for 1 minute. 
  • Pour the coconut milk into the pan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and slow cook the vegetables until done, in 10 minutes. Now reduce the sauce to the required thickness. Season the curry using salt and pepper to taste. 
  • In the meantime, prepare the rösti rounds in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. Coarsely chop the coriander. 
  • Spoon the vegetable curry into 4 deep plates. Add the rösti rounds and sprinkle with the coriander.