Header Rolling Stones salad

Rolling Stones Salad

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 8 Aviko Hashbrown Röstiko Rounds
  • ½ clove of garlic 
  • 2 sprigs of mint 
  • 1/2 bunch of coriander (or 15 g) 
  • 7 tbs extra virgin olive oil 
  • 75 g mixed salad leaves of your choice 
  • 75 g strawberries 
  • 75 g cherries 
  • ¼ small red chili pepper 
  • 50 g baby broccoli (or small florets) 
  • 12 cherry tomatoes 
  • 25 g walnuts 
  • 25 g green olives 
  • 25 g black olives 
  • Skewers
Header Rolling Stones salad

Preparation method

Ca. 30 minutes

  • Grate or chop the garlic very finely. Mix half of the garlic with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and salt to taste. Finely chop the mint and coriander leaves. Mix the chopped herbs through the garlic oil. 
  • Dress the salad leaves with the herb-garlic oil and set aside, covered, in the fridge until the rest of the dish is ready. 
  • Clean the fruit. Halve the strawberries or quarter them if necessary. Pit the cherries and halve them. 
  • For the fruit skewer dressing, mash 2 strawberries with 4-6 cherries, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice to taste. Finely chop the piece of red pepper and stir it through the dressing with the remaining garlic. Season with salt and dilute the dressing with a little water if necessary. 
  • Thread a mixture of 5 pieces of fruit on the skewers. Brush the fruit skewers lightly with olive oil. Grill them on the hot barbecue (or in the grill pan) for 1-2 minutes, until just coloured all round. Place the fruit skewers on a platter. 
  • Mix the baby broccoli and tomatoes together with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Also grill these for 2-3 minutes. Roast the walnuts briefly in a dry frying pan to release their aroma. Coarsely chop the nuts. 
  • Prepare the rösti rounds on the barbecue or in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. 
  • Divide the dressed salad with the olives and walnuts over 4 plates. Place the rösti rounds on top of the salad. Place the skewers on top of the rösti rounds and drizzle them with the fruit dressing. Add the grilled broccoli and tomatoes as a side dish to the salad for the ‘Rolling Stones’ effect. Serve the salad immediately.