Aviko Sweet wedge header

Aviko is your specialist for convenient potato products in Kuwait

Thanks to our knowledge of potatoes, we have developed a wide range of potato products for you to help you serve your customers.
Check our products

Aviko brings joy to tables all around the world

With a wide variety of potatoes Aviko has developed potato products that help you. With our potato solutions we strive to help every chef and fooservice professional get the most out of your business.

We bring joy to tables all over the world

Aviko is dedicated to ensuring people all over the world enjoy the finest chips, fries, and plant-based appetizers.

Joy around tables aviko
Crinkle fries
aviko steak house fries
How can we help you?

Get in contact

Rajesh shetty aviko

Rajesh Shetty

General Manager – Asia Pacific Middle East Africa

Asia Pacific Middle East Africa, International, Asia

Aviko’s distribution partner in Kuwait


International Center Group for Foodstuff Co.
Shuwaikh Industrial Area, Block # 147, Street 111, Shuwaikh, 
Contact Telephone: +965 24838 750 / 24838 770
Contact Person:  Mr. Moyaed Al Samman
Contact Email ID:  icf@international-center.com


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