
Röstico Rounds with camembert and roasted balsamic figs

Hash browns with toppings are always a good idea! These are topped with camember and fig for a festive result. Great starter!


• 12 Aviko Röstiko Rounds
• 3 figs
• 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
• 200 g camembert
• 3 sprigs of thyme
• Baking tray with parchment paper

Aviko rostiko rounds header


  • Preheat the oven to 220ºC. Clean the figs and cut them into quarters. Toss the figs with the balsamic vinegar and place them on the baking sheet.
  • Bake the figs in the preheated oven for 5 minutes until juicy. In the meantime, prepare the hash browns according to the instructions on the package. Cut the camembert into slices.
  • Place the hash browns in wreath shape on a platter. Spread the camembert on top and place the roasted figs on top. Sprinkle with thyme leaves and pepper to taste.

You can make such a plate of rösti in no time. Roast the figs earlier and let them cool to room temperature. This way, only the hash browns need to be baked hot and crispy.

Tip: Also delicious with brie, buffalo mozzarella or roquefort.
Tip: Even cooled down, Röstiko Rounds are a delicious party snack!