
Rösti rounds with pea-lime cream and salmon

  • Ingredients

    8 Aviko Röstiko Rounds
    75 g garden peas (frozen)
    1 tbsp crème fraiche
    2-3 tsp lime juice
    100 g smoked salmon fillet
    Mustard cress

Aviko rostiko rounds header


  1. Light the barbecue. Boil the peas in salted water for 8 minutes. Drain them and mash the peas with a hand blender. Let the puree cool.
  2. Stir the crème fraiche into the pea puree. Season with the lime juice, salt and pepper.
  3. Grill the hash browns on the BBQ for 10 minutes until golden brown and cooked. Turn them regularly. In the meantime, divide the smoked salmon into 8 strips.
  4. Place the hash browns on a platter. Spoon a little garden pea-lime cream on top of each hash brown.
  5. Divide the smoked salmon on top and sprinkle with the mustard cress and some pepper.
    Extra luxury! 
  6. Replace the smoked salmon with oysters. Remove the oysters from the shell and place them on top of the cream on the hash browns. 
  7. Serve with lime wedges to squeeze over the oysters.