
Coca with Parmesan purée

The Catalan ‘coca’ bread forms the ideal basis for a quick and delicious appetizer using Parmesan purée, marinated tomatoes and radish. A little cress on top gives a luxury look!

Ingredients (4 servings):

• 150 g Aviko Super Mash Homemade
• 1 coca (Catalan bread, see tip)
• 7 tbs of extra virgin olive oil
• handful of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
• 250 g red and/or yellow cherry tomatoes
• 8 radishes
• 1 tbs of (sherry) vinegar
• 3 tbs of red beetroot cress

Aviko mash bowl home made


Preparation: 20 minutes

Slice the bread in half horizontally. Now slice each half into strips. Drizzle the bread with 4 tablespoons of olive oil.
Heat the grill pan. Grill the bread strips cut side down for 1-2 minutes on each side until browned and crunchy.
Heat the mashed potatoes in the meantime by following the instructions on the packaging. Add enough Parmesan to give quite a stiff purée. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Halve the tomatoes and quarter the radishes. Mix the tomatoes and radishes with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, the vinegar and a pinch of salt.
Place the bread on a dish or breadboard. Using two dessert spoons, form small quenelles from the cauliflower purée and place them on the bread strips. Now add the marinated tomato and radish on top. Sprinkle with the beetroot cress.

Tip: Replace the coca with ciabatta if necessary.