One of the Biggest Challenges in the Kitchen is Staffing
One of the Biggest Challenges in the Kitchen is Staffing
That could be because you have one too short or because they are less skilled than you actually need. We will be happy to help you with solutions that will ensure your fries are ready faster or require fewer operations. And we have 10 golden fries rules for you, so that everyone in the kitchen is able to prepare the perfect fries.
Favourite Solution
when short of staff
when short of staff
When you are short of staff it is nice if you need to cook larger quantities quickly then our Turbo fries are a great solution. Turbo Fries cook quickly and require minimal handling. The golden frying rules below from our FryLab can also help.
Is it just important that the fries stay hot and crunchy for a long time because timing can be an issue. Then choose our SuperCrunch range. Stays hot and crunchy for up to 20 minutes.
- Download
The baking of fries is very decisive for the final quality. That is why our FryLab has created these 10 golden rules. Many of our customers display them, so that everyone who deep-fries knows what the procedure is. You can download it below.

Handling and usage
recommendations for frying fats

- Desired fat turnover is of the fryer capacity/day.
- Filtering of fat should be performed at least once per day. Filtering is a function of the type of product being fried and amount of crumbs generated.
- Cleaning of fryers is a critical operation. Cleaning procedures should be carried out properly to minimize the amount of residual water and detergents on equipment’s product-contact surfaces.
- Chemical indices of fat/oil degradation should be monitored.
- Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light should be minimized to extend the service life of fat/oil.
- Final rinsing should use vinegar (or acetic acid/water solutions).
- Frying fat must never come into direct contact with copper and brass. These materials used in processing equipment construction can act as catalysts in fat breakdown reactions.
- Avoid excess dusting flour left on doughnuts as it can gradually burn during product frying cycles, increasing the rate of fat breakdown.
- The use of old or used (broken down) frying fat should be avoided.
Ways to detect or identify old frying fats

- Color: dark coloration of fats is an indication of their overuse, aging, etc.
- FFA content: old frying fats usually have a FFA content higher than 1.0%.
- Viscosity: the older the fat, the thicker it gets. Food products fried with old fats usually look soggy, greasy, and less appetizing.
- Excessive foaming
- Low smoke point: the smoke point of an oil decreases with use because of an increase in low-molecular weight compounds such as FFA.